Kreddle Adjustable Viola Chinrest Center Mount
The Remarkable Chinrest That May Well Change Your Life!
Click here for tips from Kréddle.
There are hundreds of different types of chinrests. Finding the one that fits your chin and your playing style is often a long and arduous process, and too often an unsuccessful one. Even though there is such a great variety, they all have one thing in common: Each one is fixed in place on your instrument, with little to no adjustment possible. The result is that most of us simply make do – we adapt to our chinrest, all the while struggling to improve our technical facility. Perhaps we try dozens of different shoulder rests, complicating things further. And too often, we start developing aches and pains . . . or worse.
The Kréddle changes all that! The most significant innovation since the invention of the chinrest itself, the Kréddle will set you free like a breath of fresh air. The reason is that the Kréddle adapts to the unique physical characteristics of each player by being fully adjustable in multiple ways: Height, lateral placement, tilt, pitch, and rotation. Although this may sound complicated, it is remarkably easy to adjust your Kréddle using only the simple hex wrench provided. Detailed online instructions go well beyond mere technical descriptions, and into the realm of teaching you to discover your own “sweet spot”. Imagine the Aha Moment when discomfort slips away, and a world of new possibilities presents itself.
The Kréddle is precision crafted in the US by Jordan Hayes, a professional violinist who suffered like most players, refusing to give up until he found the solution. Available for both violin and viola, and in your choice of side mount (to the left of the tailpiece, the most popular), or center mount (over the tailpiece). The side mount offers slightly more adjustability, while the center mount equalizes clamping pressure more uniformly. Regardless of which mounting method is used, the position and flexibility of the Kréddle itself is identical. Beautifully boxed, with hex wrench and three different height posts included.
Due to the handmade nature of Kreddles, supplies are very limited. If your size or style is out of stock, please place a back-order to reserve yours today - More Kreddles are due to arrive in August. You will not be billed until your Kreddle ships.
This item comes with Shar's 1 year warranty covering defects of workmanship or materials. General wear and tear or mis-use are not covered. Non-transferable.
Media Return Policy
These items are non-refundable unless defective. If defective they must be returned within 30 days of purchase for same title replacement only. No refunds will be given.
If you have any questions about this product's warranty or to make a return please contact our Customer Service Department at 800.793.4334 or email us at cc@sharmusic.com
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