Shar Music
O'Connor, Mark - Song Of The Liberty Bell for Violin and Piano - Violin - Digital Download
Song Of The Liberty Bell for violin and string orchestra was composed and orchestrated by Mark O'Connor and used as the theme song for the critically acclaimed PBS documentary, "Liberty! The American Revolution". O'Connor wrote the piece to include three different instrument groupings - unaccompanied solo, folk ensemble, and string orchestra. The Sony Classical album "Liberty!" features "Song Of The Liberty Bell" in all three arrangements. Album notes author Thomas Fleming calls the music "profoundly moving" with "exquisite melody". Fleming further describes the orchestral version - "O'Connor joins in, and the instruments of the symphony pick up the theme. It is a musical replication of the way the voices of liberty in 1776 began with a lonely defiant few - and then swelled to a tremendous national chorus that has resounded through the world for the next two hundred and thiry-three years".
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