Shar Music
Yasuda, Martha - American Melodies: Double Stop Solos and Duets for Cello, Volume II - Digital Download
With respect to the use of double stops, the arrangements in American Melodies, Volume II, are significantly more challenging than those pieces found in Volume I. (Please read the Foreword by William Starr by Clicking the Forewords Button at the top of the navigation bar on the Home Page.)
Volume II is geared for students studying Suzuki book six or pieces such as The Swan or the Breval Concerto. There are lots of spiccato passages involving double stops, and lots of passages in higher positions. Be ready to dig in your heels and practice HARD!! These arrangements are for “hot-shot” players that are way-serious about double stops, wanting to take their technique to the next level!!
Digital version is available to download immediately after purchase. Simply log in to your Shar account, click "My Account" in the top navigation bar, and select "My Digital Library". All digital sheet music purchased from Shar will be available in your Digital Library to view/download to your computer or connected devices.
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