Yasuda, Martha - Harmonious Melodies For Two Violins, Volume II, 2nd Edition - Digital Download
Yasuda, Martha - Harmonious Melodies For Two Violins, Volume II, 2nd Edition - Digital Download
Yasuda, Martha - Harmonious Melodies For Two Violins, Volume II, 2nd Edition - Digital Download
Yasuda, Martha - Harmonious Melodies For Two Violins, Volume II, 2nd Edition - Digital Download

Shar Music

Yasuda, Martha - Harmonious Melodies For Two Violins, Volume II, 2nd Edition - Digital Download

Sale price$11.00
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This book is written with the intermediate to advanced student in mind and includes the La Folia duo as well as the shorter pieces from Suzuki volumes 5-8. There are a total of 22 familiar, standard works, including non-Suzuki works such as Bach Two-Part Inventions, Beethoven's Fur Elise, Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Massenet's Meditation as well as the Veracini Gigue and the Fiocco Allegro. The second violin part moves in sync with the first violin part, while adhering to harmonies found in piano accompaniments.

This book is licensed to The Yasuda Music Company LLC by the International Suzuki Association.

NOTE: Bowings and slurs in certain top melody lines are omitted in order to adhere to copyright law. Please feel free to add your own markings. This second edition reflects copyright requirements of smaller font sizes and gray shading in melody lines as specified by the International Suzuki Association.

Digital version is available to download immediately after purchase. Simply log in to your Shar account, click "My Account" in the top navigation bar, and select "My Digital Library". All digital sheet music purchased from Shar will be available in your Digital Library to view/download to your computer or conne(more...)

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Great addition to violin reps!

It is great to be able to provide students with harmony parts so they can hear the music as a whole. Thank you for making these duet parts!

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